Commission Phase Continues

CEBU CITY—Fray Amado Emmanuel Bolilia continued the reflection on the meaning of Lent during the holy mass. He said that “Lent is a season of pilgrimage and an ascent to the mountain of Easter.”

He challenged the delegates “to give up the things that are not helpful to spiritual life, namely, addictions, attachments, evil inclinations and other disordered desires, affections and directions.” He presented the life of some Augustinian Recollects who set good examples of living out a life of penance, namely, Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki, the OAR priest-martyrs of Japan and their religious brother collaborators: Lorenzo Kaida Hachizo, Mancio Yukimoto Ichizaemon and Pedro Zawaguchi Kuhioe. Fray Bolilia concluded his homily with a prayer to God through the intercession of the martyrs of the Order to grant the religious of the Province the commitment towards selfgiving and surrender to God even until the point of martyrdom. Commission Phase Continues CEBU CITY—Fray Amado Emmanuel Bolilia continued the reflection on the meaning of Lent during the holy mass. He said that “Lent is a season of pilgrimage and an ascent to the mountain of Easter.” “THE BODY OF CHRIST.” Capitulars start their day by partaking of the Eucharist, the body of Christ, before gathering as a body to discuss pertinent matters in their respective commissions.

Deliberations on the Commissions’ Concern

The opening prayer was said at 8:30AM with the singing of the Chapter theme song, “Sharing our Vision.” The messages and prayers from various groups were read before the start of the formal sessions. Subsequently after the preliminary reminders to the delegates, the interview with Fray Miguel Miró Miró, Prior General, was played on the screen that laid down his concerns for the Province of Saint Ezekiel Moreno.

As the Commission phase continued, several matters of interest pertinent to the points mentioned during the reports and the discussions were treated so that they would be considered sufficiently in the formulation of Chapter of ordinances. Concerns from the Secretariat of Spirituality, Formation and Vocation Ministry, Ministerial and Mission Apostolate and Educational Apostolate were completely deliberated in the morning. The Midday prayer was said at 11:45AM.

The sessions resumed at 3:00PM. Fray Lauro Larlar opened the afternoon sessions with the prayer taken from the intercessory prayers of the 7th Provincial Chapter. The minutes of February 15, 2018 proceedings were tackled until all the necessary corrections and modifications were made. The Commissions on Governance, Culture, Finance and Social Action were given points for their consideration in their preparation of ordinances.

After all the major concerns were dealt with, the meaning of the logo of the 7th provincial chapter was presented which consisted of the following elements: book and heart, cross, rising sun with four rays, and number seven (7).

The afternoon sessions were concluded at 5:18PM. In the evening, each Commission was instructed to articulate the suggested priority topics into proposals for the group plenum next Monday. The delegates took their rest at 10:00PM.