Commissions Formulate Proposals for Decision Phase

CEBU CITY—Fresh from a weekend respite, the first day of the week opened with a celebration of the mass dedicated to all the deceased members of the Order. Fray Ian Anthony Espartero was the mass presider and he was assisted by Fray Joseph Dexter Palagtiosa and Fray Charlito Orobia.

Reflecting on the first reading, Fray Espartero focused on the passage: “Be holy, for I, the LORD, your God, am holy.” He reiterated that “holiness is the universal call of all Christians,” whose genuine growth happens within the community. He focused on three points in sharing about holiness. First, he said that “holiness is seeking out the good of others in love.” Love impels Christians to act because it is the soul of holiness.

Second, “holiness impels us towards Christian mission.” Quoting Pope John Paul II, he said that genuine holiness must be articulated in actual and concrete service for the spiritual and material good of others.

Third, “holiness happens in the Christian community.” Fr. Espartero mentioned that “holiness is lived out not in isolation but in communion with the other members of the community.” He pointed out the example of the missionary dynamism of the first Christian communities who “despite limited resources, they were zealous to proclaim the religion of the man who had died on the cross.”

At 8:30AM, the delegates convened at the session hall for the opening prayer and the reading of the messages sent by wellwishers. Then, they proceed to complete their proposals per Commission.

The afternoon session commenced at 2:45PM. Messages were read and the minutes of the previous sessions were approved. The proposals of the different Commissions were distributed to the delegates for their suggestions. After the instructions were made, the delegates again grouped themselves according to Commission.